5 Most Important Weight Loss Tricks

As a personal trainer, I have worked with dozens of clients to help them lose weight and each client seems to have the same problems with losing fat. Over my years I have put together the 5 most important tips that I can offer when it comes to losing fat effectively and quickly. These 5 tips alone have changed the lives of dozens of clients and if you follow them closely, they may do the same for you.

  1. Don’t diet


What? Don’t diet? But I thought that you needed to diet to lose fat?

In response to this common reaction, let me tell you a story.

Let’s say you have a friend- we will call him Jim. Jim tells himself and everyone he knows that once he starts his revolutionary new vegan juicing diet he will be able to lose 30 pounds of fat in 2 months. Good for Jim.

He starts his diet and everything is going great for the first day. Drinking vegetable juice is pretty unpleasant and he feels hungry throughout the day but he tells himself he can power through for 2 months. A week goes by and Jim is just not having it. He feels hungry all the time and it is becoming a huge pain to buy expensive vegetables every few days for his juicing diet. Not only that but he gets weird looks from his co-workers whenever he drinks juice for lunch instead of eating a sandwich.

By the second week, he just can’t take it anymore. Jim slips up and eats a nice fatty bowl of chicken parm pasta because he thinks he deserves a cheat meal. One thing leads to the next and a day later he wolfs down a cupcake. By the end of the week, he is back to his old habits.

The moral of the story is that you should control your food intake and regulate what foods you eat. However, you should never try to do a crazy diet thinking that you will lose 30 pounds in two months.

Why? Because going from eating 3000 calories of meats carbs and fats to say a vegetable juice only diet is bound to fail. 9 times out of 10 when I see people try these drastic diets the change they have to undergo in lifestyle is too much to sustain.

So you might be wondering… “if I shouldn’t diet, how should I go about eating”. The next point will cover this question.

  1. Focus more on how much you eat not what you eat

eat less

If you asked if how much you eat or what you eat was more important for weight loss I would tell you right away that how much you eat makes all the difference.

How is this possible?

Well, let’s break it down for a minute. Let’s say that the average human being needs 2000 calories a day to maintain his or her current weight. Eating 500 hundred calories over 2000 calories will result in a weight gain over time and eating 500 calories below 2000 calories will result in a weight loss over time. Simple enough right?

The mistake most people make when it comes to weight loss is finding the healthiest foods to eat and simply making sure that they replace all the junk food they eat with those healthy foods. For instance, if they normally eat 2000 calories worth of processed food and sugary treats and they want to lose weight they will switch out the sugary food for 2000 calories worth of healthy meats and carbs.

However, they are still eating 2000 calories. This means that although they may see some weight loss because they are maintaining the caloric intake needed to maintain their body weight, they will see very little change.

In turn, this is why it is so essential to regulate how much you eat rather than what you eat. This does not mean that you should cut your caloric intake in half but still binge on cake and cookies. More on this in the next point.

  1. Get rid of the junk

junk food

Now you might be thinking “but you said that how much you eat is more important than what you eat. Why should I throw out my junk food if this is true?”

The fact of the matter is that there is a ton of calories in junk food. This makes it extremely easy to go over your daily caloric limit even if you just are grazing on junk food. In addition, you get very little vital nutrients from junk food to keep your body healthy. Rather than limiting your junk food, it is best to cut it out of the diet completely.

Of course, you might be thinking “well yeah obviously I am not supposed to eat junk food. I will just ignore it instead of throwing it out”

If you are like almost everyone, you most certainly will eat the junk food in your cabinets eventually as long as it remains in your house. You can hold back for as long as you can but eventually, you will give in.

If you are serious about turning a new leaf and eating healthy, why give yourself the temptation?

The most common objection I get is that it would be a waste to throw out all the junk food is that doing so would be a waste. However, if you tell yourself you won’t eat it anyway, what difference does it make if you throw it away or not?

Grab a trash bag and literally go around your kitchen gathering every junk food you can get your hands on and throw it into the trash bag. It might be emotionally painful but the sooner you can get it done the better.

  1. Do HIIT routines

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People ask me quite a lot, “what is the most effective exercise for weight loss?”. My answer most of the time is HIIT or high-intensity interval training.

HIIT workouts are made up of quick bursts of super intense exercise followed by periods of light exercise or rest. In turn, this on and off cycle has the effect of supercharging your metabolism which allows you to burn more calories even hours after your workout.

Possibly the best part of these workouts is that they simply don’t take too long to do. Short and sweet, these workouts only need to take 30 minutes of your time and don’t require long draining hours of cardio to burn sufficient calories.

One program that has proven to be effective for weight loss with a 90 minute a week training routine is called Old School New Body. I would certainly recommend it.

This makes these workouts great for anyone who is obese to the point where exercising for hours on end isn’t feasible.

For more information on workouts like these, I would recommend checking out a product called Old School New Body. It lays out how you can workout only with 3 of these 30-minute sessions a week to lose fat. Believe me… it is 100 percent possible to do so. If you check out this review right here you can learn about a users experience with the program.

  1. Get plenty of sleep

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When most people try to come up with the most important factors of fitness they usually say diet and exercise. However, sleep is a critical factor that most people forget to mention that plays an important part in your level of fitness.

Many studies show that those who don’t get sufficient sleep tend to be able to gain body fat much more easily than those who do get sufficient sleep.

Everyone is different in terms of their sleep need but typically you should be aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Of course, this means good quality sleep as well. Be sure not to drink caffeine or alcohol right before bed as this can disrupt your sleeping cycle.

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